On Jan 28, 10:20 am, Joan Miller <pelok...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've to call to many functions with the format:
> >>> run("cmd")
> were "cmd" is a command with its arguments to pass them to the shell
> and run it, i.e.
> >>>  run("pwd")
> or
> >>> run("ls /home")
> Does anybody knows any library to help me to avoid the use of the main
> quotes, and brackets?
> I would to use anything as:
> $ ls /home => run("ls /home")
> or, at least
> run pwd => run("pwd")

How about this?

def pwd(): return run("pwd")


def ls(l=False, files=()):
    args = []
    if l: args.insert(0, '-l')
    return run("ls", args)

ls(l=True, "/foo")

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