John Nagle <> wrote:
>Arguably, Python 3 has been rejected by the market.  Instead, there's
>now Python 2.6, Python 2.7, and Python 2.8.  Python 3 has turned into
>a debacle like Perl 6, now 10 years old.

Although I happen to be one of the folks who are reluctant to switch to
Python 3, I have to say that this comparison is entirely unfair.  Python 3
exists in the wild.  It has been released, and has even had a couple of
updates.  Eventually, it will prevail.  Resistance is futile, you WILL be

Perl 6, on the other hand, is still fantasyware a decade after its
announcement.  It is, for the most part, THE canonical example of the wrong
way to conduct a development effort.
Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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