On 1/28/2010 2:56 AM, John Nagle wrote:
Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
1. Python 3 is supported by major Linux distributions.

FALSE - most distros are shipping with Python 2.4, or 2.5 at best.

Where did you come up with that information? Almost all of the major distros ship with 2.6.x - CentOS, OpenSuSe, Ubuntu, Fedora. (Debian does ship with 2.5, but the next major release "sid' is due out in Q2)

Arguably, Python 3 has been rejected by the market. Instead, there's
now Python 2.6, Python 2.7, and Python 2.8. Python 3 has turned into
a debacle like Perl 6, now 10 years old.

WTF? Where'd you hear about version 2.8? FRI, 2.7 is and will be THE LAST version of the 2.x series - "the" End-Of-Life for Python 2.

At least py3k is a real product - unlike the perl 6 vaporware.

That said, I think python 2 will be the dominant player in the market for the next couple of years.

However, there's been some momentum behind Py3k recently. Unladen swallow is going to be merged with Py3k (not 2.x for which it was originally developed). I hear the django guys have made huge progress in porting the framework to Py3k (although it will be a good few months before the code is released in the wild)


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