On Jan 31, 6:15 pm, tinn...@isbd.co.uk wrote:
> I'm trying to read some data from standard input, what I'm actually
> trying to do is process some date pasted in using the mouse cut and
> paste on a Linux box (xubuntu 9.10) in a terminal window.
> First attempts failed so I'm now trying the trivial:-
>     import sys
>     data = sys.stdin.readlines()
>     print "Counted", len(data), "lines."
> When I run this and try to paste something into the terminal window I
> get the following errors:-
>     /home/chris/bin/m2r.py: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `('
>     /home/chris/bin/m2r.py: line 2: `data = sys.stdin.readlines()'
> It does exactly the same if I try:-
>     cat | m2r.py
> and then paste something into the window.
> So - what on earth am I doing wrong?
> --
> Chris Green

You haven't put a shebang line at the top.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
data = sys.stdin.readlines()

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