Steven D'Aprano <> writes:
> How would Haskell coders write it? Something like this?
> def get_popular_name(url):
>     data = fetch url
>     names = parse data
>     name = choose name 1
>     return name

The syntax and types would be different, but ok, something like that.

> name = get_popular_name ''  # call the function
> f = decorate get_popular_name  # treat the function as a 1st class object

You wouldn't need "decorate".  You'd just say

   f = get_popular_name "";

f is now an "I/O action" which when executed queries the guessmyname site.

> but now how do I call the new function?
> Is this where you say "Monads" and everyone's eyes glaze over?

You'd say something like

   most_popular_name <- f

to invoke the action.  Yes, explaining the difference between
"<-" and "=" involves monads.

You might like the Haskell tutorial .

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