Marius Gedminas <> writes:

> On Feb 4, 1:03 am, John Bokma <> wrote:
>> Jonathan Gardner <> writes:
>> > I can explain all of Python in an hour;
>> OK, in that case I would say give it a go. Put it on YouTube, or write a
>> blog post about it (or post it here). I am sure you will help a lot of
>> people that way.
> Someone already did: "Advanced Python or Understanding Python"
> (76 minutes).
> Worth watching.

Thanks, I will. And let you know if it succeeds at "explain all of
Python in 76 minutes". It's not a fair test, since I am not new to
Python, but let me see first ;-)

John Bokma                                                               j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

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