Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

> To be honest I have not enough courrage to dive into yout 1000 lines of
> script :-)


> What I can say however:
> 1/ your interface is somehow broken. You ask actions through options (-c
> -y -s), meaning one can possibly use all these 3 options  together. Your
> code won't handle it (you are using elif statements). What happens if I
> use no option at all ?

You get this:

Linux RH [17:35] root ~ # -c "ps|wc" -s /tmp/

Following options that you specified are mutually exclusive:
-s / --script (value: /tmp/
-c / --cmd (value: ps|wc)
You have to specify exactly one of options -c / --cmd, or -s / --script, or -y / --copy.

I wrote additional logic to handle such situations, I don't rely entirely on optparse.

> 2/ executing a script, or copying a directory are both commands as well.
> myProg -s /tmp/
> is nothing more than
> myProg -c '/bin/sh'

True. But you have to copy the script to remote machine in the first place. It's more convenient to do this using one option (copy to remote machine & execute there).

> myProg -y file1
> is nothing more than
> myProg -c 'cp file1 towhatever'

Err but this is command to copy a local file/dir to *remote* machine. Like scp (in fact it uses scp protocol internally).

> 3/ check your user parameters before creating your SSHThread, and create
> your SSHThread with already validated parameters. You don't want to
> pollute you SSHThread code with irrelevant user error check.
> my humble conclusion:
> 1/ rewrite your interface with
> prog command args [options]
> 2/ Simplify your SSHThread by handling only  shell commands
> 3/ at the CLI level (right after parameter validation), mute you copy &
> script
> command to a shell command and pass it to SSHThread.
> Cheers,
> JM


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