On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Wanderer <wande...@dialup4less.com> wrote:
> On Feb 5, 3:26 pm, Chris Rebert <c...@rebertia.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 11:53 AM, Wanderer <wande...@dialup4less.com> wrote:
>> > Which is the more accepted way to compose method names nounVerb or
>> > verbNoun?
>> > For example voltageGet or getVoltage? getVoltage sounds more normal,
>> > but voltageGet is more like voltage.Get. I seem to mix them and I
>> > should probably pick one way and stick with it.
>> Use properties[1] and just call it `voltage`. Python is not Java [2];
>> explicit getters/setters are unpythonic.
>> [1]http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#property
> Maybe I'm not using Get right either. I'm wrapping functions.
>    def AbbeGet(self, Lens):
>        """
>        Get the Abbe Number V for the material
>        where
>        V = (Nd - 1)/(Nf - Nc)
>        where the Index of Refractions are
>        Nd at the Fraunhofer D line 0.5892um
>        Nf at the Fraunhofer F line 0.4861um
>        Nc at the Fraunhofer C line 0.6563um
>        """
>        Nd = Lens.Mat.NtGet(0.5892)
>        Nf = Lens.Mat.NtGet(0.4861)
>        Nc = Lens.Mat.NtGet(0.6563)
>        if (Nf - Nc) != 0:
>            V = (Nd - 1)/(Nf - Nc)
>        else:
>            V = 1e6
>        return V

This isn't even really a method; you don't refer to "self" in the body
at all. Why isn't it just a function?


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