En Fri, 05 Feb 2010 10:23:57 -0300, Anthra Norell
<anthra.nor...@bluewin.ch> escribió:

   I upgraded from 2.4 to 2.5 and am unable to start an 2.5 idle
   window. The OS is Windows ME. The download of 2.5 finished with a
warning saying that 2.5 was the highest version for Windows 9* Any

I'd suggest a couple more tests.
Open the Python interpreter and execute:

py> from idlelib import idle

This *should* launch IDLE, or raise an error... If nothing happens, exit
the process and open another one, and execute:

py> import Tkinter
py> root = Tkinter.Tk()
py> root.mainloop()

An empty window should appear. If not, I'd say something is wrong with the
Tcl/Tk libraries.

For the time being 2.4 works fine. I'd much prefer 2.5, though, because it includes the image library (PIL), whereas 2.4 cannot even use it.

PIL has an impressive compatibility record - it works with *any* Python
version from 1.5.2 up. You should be able to use PIL with 2.4 without

Gabriel Genellina


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