Olof Bjarnason wrote:
2010/2/10 Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de>:
pyt...@bdurham.com wrote:

Does Python provide a way to format a string according to a
'picture' format?

For example, if I have a string '123456789' and want it formatted
like '(123)-45-(678)[9]', is there a module or function that will
allow me to do this or do I need to code this type of
transformation myself?
A basic implementation without regular expressions:

def picture(s, pic, placeholder="@"):
...     parts = pic.split(placeholder)
...     result = [None]*(len(parts)+len(s))
...     result[::2] = parts
...     result[1::2] = s
...     return "".join(result)
picture("123456789", "(@@@)-@@-(@@@)[...@]")


Inspired by your answer here's another version:

def picture(s, pic):
...   if len(s)==0: return pic
...   if pic[0]=='#': return s[0]+picture(s[1:], pic[1:])
...   return pic[0]+picture(s, pic[1:])
picture("123456789", "(###)-##-(###)[#]")

Here's a version without recursion:

>>> def picture(s, pic):
...     pic = pic.replace("%", "%%").replace("#", "%s")
...     return pic % tuple(s)
>>> picture("123456789", "(###)-##-(###)[#]")


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