monkeys paw wrote:
Upon invoking python, it hangs
until Ctrl^C is typed, and then the
 >>> interactive shell begins.

Like so:

joemoney% python
Python 2.4.6 (#1, Dec 13 2009, 23:45:11) [C] on sunos5
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
# Hangs ^^^ at this point until ^C is typed


I've seen this in other new installs and wondered if there is
a common problem that would cause this? It's on a sun os box

Though I've never seen such live, perhaps you have some sort of site-wide or user-specific config file such as ~/ or a site-wide file. You can read up a bit at

I believe the way to test this is to start Python with either the -s or -S option (or both) to disable looking for user or site modules. Also check if you have some crazy value set for $PYTHONSTARTUP.

My guess is that something in one of these places is triggering the hang until you kill that with a ^C after which you get the requested prompt.

Hope this helps,



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