Paulo Repreza wrote:

I'm having problems with a little script that I'm trying to finish, I don't know if I'm in the right track but I know somebody is going to help me.

The script:

# Import modules random for function randint

import random

# Generating a constant.

var = 65

# Generating a random number.
ranum = random.randint(1,100)

#Creating while loop. Stops until var == ranum
while var != ranum:
    if var == ranum:
        print var, 'equals to:', ranum
        print var, 'does not equal to:', ranum

########## End of Script ###########

What I'm trying to do is to print the new value that ranum generates if the condition is not met. So far if you run the script it prints the same value over and over again, making in an infinite loop. What can I do in order to print out the new value generated every time the condition is not met?


Paulo Repreza
in your script you generate the random number only once, no wonder it keep being the same value over & over.

# Initialize ranum with a random number
ranum = random.randint(1,100)

#Creating while loop. Stops until var == ranum
while var != ranum:
   if var == ranum:
       print var, 'equals to:', ranum
       print var, 'does not equal to:', ranum
ranum = random.randint(1,100) # generate a new number, that's the missing line in your script



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