On 16/02/2010 12:48, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
I just googled the filename from memory, found
<url: http://www.neuber.com/taskmanager/process/wmiprvse.exe.html>
Don't know if I've disabled it because invoking wmic didn't produce it.
Uh, wait, since it hosts the provider service(s), perhaps...
Yes, 'wmic service list brief' which actually retrieves some information (I
guess it can be anything, I remembered this from listing process command lines)
started an [wmprvse.exe] process.
It terminated after the query/usage, but as I recall in some cases it doesn't.
I don't know how that works with programmatic access, but it's worth checking
Thanks. As I understand it, you're not talking about a *service* starting up
or shutting down; rather a *process* starting up etc., presumably controlled
by the underlying service?
I'll do some further research to see what's going on there.