John Bokma <> writes:

> Jonathan Gardner <> writes:
>> On Feb 18, 8:15 am, Steve Howell <> wrote:
>>>     def print_numbers()
>>>         [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map { |n|
>>>             [n * n, n * n * n]
>>>         }.reject { |square, cube|
>>>             square == 25 || cube == 64
>>>         }.map { |square, cube|
>>>             cube
>>>         }.each { |n|
>>>             puts n
>>>         }
>>>     end
>> If this style of programming were useful, we would all be writing Lisp
>> today. As it turned out, Lisp is incredibly difficult to read and
>> understand, even for experienced Lispers. I am pleased that Python is
>> not following Lisp in that regard.
>> for n in range(1,6):
>                    ^ should be 7
> But for the rest, I agree with you. I can read Steve's version, but even
> to an experienced Perl programmer that looks quite noisy :-)

Oh, wait, it's Ruby :-D.

John Bokma                                                               j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico - - Perl & Python Development

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