Yasser Almeida Hernández a écrit :
Hi all.

I have a class with the attribute 'log_file', opened out of the class:
class ProteinCluster:
   def __init__(self,cluster_name,log_file):
      self.log_file = log_file
Then i have a private method which write in the log_file:
   def _read_structure(self, pdb_code):
When i run the script, it raises the error:
AttributeError: ProteinCluster instance has no attribute 'log_file'

My question is, the class attributes are valids in private methods, like in publics methods?

Diez already answered - the above code seems correct, so the source of your problem is elsewhere.

For the record, in your code, log_file is an instance attribute - a 'class attribute' is an attribute that is defined on the class object itself, and is shared by all instances of the class.

Also, Python has no notion of "public" or "private" - at least at the language level. The '_name' convention is just, well, a naming convention.

This wont solve your problem - sorry, not much we can do here - but at least it will help wrt/ mutual understanding !-)

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