Ack, just ran it from shell, realized my editor was just choking on a
"maximum recursion depth exceeded" RuntimeError. Didn't realize generators
used the call stack...

- Andrey

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Andrey Fedorov <> wrote:

> I implemented a Sieve of 
> Eratosthenes<>primes 
> algorithm using generators:
> This code which chains together 500 generators works fine (~1/20th of a
> second) on my laptop. The code which chaines 501 generators (s/498/499/ on
> line 23) doesn't seem to finish.
> Does anyone know the reason for this, or can anyone point me where to look
> for a good explanation?
> Cheers,
> Andrey

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