Matthew Thorley wrote:

> I am trying to inherit from ElementTree so I can add some methods. This
> is the code I am trying to make work, and the following is the error I
> am getting.
> from elementtree import ElementTree
> class AcidTree(ElementTree):
>     def write_string(self):
>         ....
> File "/home/hope/var/proj/acid/server/", line 22, in ?
>     class AcidTree(ElementTree):
> TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
>     module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)
> I have *no* idea what is going on here.

note that you're trying to inherit from a module.  the error message could
need some work...

something like

    from elementtree.ElementTree import ElementTree, tostring

    class AcidTree(ElementTree):
        def write_string(self):
            return tostring(self)

should work better.



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