On Feb 22, 9:40 am, bobicanprogram <ican...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The SIMPL project (http://www.icanprogram.com/simpl) aims to bring the
> Send/Receive/Reply messaging (first popularized by QNX) to the open
> source Linux world.   Since its inception more that 10 years ago,  the
> SIMPL toolkit has grown steadily in functionality.   Through the use
> of surrogates,  SIMPL modules can be dispersed seamlessly across
> networks including heterogeneous networks with only one Linux node.
> SIMPL modules can also be written in several programming languages
> including Python, C, C++, JAVA and Tcl/Tk.   Modules written in
> different languages can be mixed in a SIMPL appliction.
> Python-SIMPL has been used to connect Python UIs to C data acquisition/
> computation backends.   While this is an example of a common use for
> the toolkit,  it is by no means the only place it could be useful.
> Python to Python,  Python to JAVA as well as Python to C are all
> seamlessly possible in both local or distributed applications.  Python-
> SIMPL allows a software application to be broken up into modules where
> the language choices for each module can be optimized.
> The Python-SIMPL interface library has undergone a fundamental
> revision with the v2.0.0 release. The underlying shared library which
> wraps the SIMPL toolkit as a Python extension was cleaned up
> considerably.   In addition two new Python wrappers were created to
> expose this SIMPL toolkit in more object oriented fashion to the
> Python developer.
> The simplest starting point for exploring the Python-SIMPL toolkit is
> an online "hello world" level tutorial at:
> http://www.icanprogram.com/06py/lesson1/lesson1.html
> The Python-SIMPL toolkit can be downloaded in source form at:
> http://www.icanprogram.com/simpl/python.self.htm
> or in precompiled binary (i386) form at:
> http://www.icanprogram.com/simpl/pythonbin.self.html
> We at the SIMPL project welcome participants at all levels of
> expertise.   If you are interested do not hesitate to contact us.
> bob

There is a typo in the source link.  It should read


Sorry about that.


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