On 23 feb, 10:54, Joan Miller <pelok...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *Sorry by this message off topic, but this is too important*
> Fascism is coming fastly to Internet because is the only communication
> way that governements (managed by the bank and multinationals) cann't
> control
> http://www.boingboing.net/2010/02/21/acta-internet-enforc.html

This is something that affects to all programmers:

"This calls on all parties to ensure that "third party liability" (the
idea that ISPs, web-hosts, application developers, mobile carriers,
universities, apartment buildings, and other "third parties" to
infringement are sometimes liable for their users' copyright
infringements) is on the books in their countries. It doesn't spell
out what that liability should be, beyond "knowingly and materially
aiding" an infringement"


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