Steven D'Aprano <> writes:
> Given a random six character password taken out of an alphabet of 52 
> characters, it takes over nine billion attempts to brute force it. 
> Reducing the alphabet by 50% cuts that down to less than 200 million. To 
> make up for that loss of 1 bit of entropy, you need two extra characters 
> in your password.

One extra character comes pretty close (within 1.3 bits).  Even two
extra chars is probably (subjective) easier for a user to deal with than
a completely random mixture of upper/lower case.  You don't get the
extra bit per character if that distribution is anything other than
random, of course.

For something like a web password (each guess takes a server hit), where
the resource guarded is not very valuable, 5 chars is probably enough
for most purposes.  For something like an encryption key subject to
offline attacks, 6 mixed-case characters will barely slow a real
attacker down.

As before, my suggestion is still diceware.  I've used random
alphanumerics in the past but they're too big a hassle, they have to be
written down, etc.  

And of course, if you're doing something serious, use a hardware token.

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