On 2/24/2010 12:39 PM, Abigail wrote:
Yesterday I downloaded and installed Python 3.1 and working through some
examples but I have hit a problem
a = raw_input("Enter a number" )
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in<module>
a = raw_input("Enter a number" )
NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined>>>a = raw_input("Enter a number
What am I doing wrong?
The Python 2 built-in function "raw_input" has been renamed to "input"
in Python 3. You'll probably run into this, too:
Python 2: print "hello, world"
Python 3: print("hello, world")
You might want to install Python 2 if you're working your way through a
tutorial that's targeted at that "generation" of the language.