On Wed, 2010-02-24 at 15:05 -0800, Aahz wrote:
> In article <mailman.2807.1266614926.28905.python-l...@python.org>,
> Ryan Kelly  <r...@rfk.id.au> wrote:
> >
> >Yes.  The idea of having a "bootstrapping exe" is that actual
> >application code can be swapped out without having to overwrite the
> >executable file.  As long as you don't change python versions, this
> >allows updates to be safe against system crashes, even on platforms
> >without atomic file replacement.
> >
> >So the frozen app does this in a background thread:
> >
> >   Esky(sys.executable,"http://my.updates.com";).auto_update()
> >
> >And it hits the given url, grabs the latest zipfile, downloads and
> >unpacks and atomically places it into the application directory.  Et
> >viola, your app is at the latest version.
> How does this work with a running app?  What if the app is a service?

The changes will only take effect the next time the app is started -
currently there's no support for "hot upgrading" a running app.

Would definitely be an interesting feature though...


Ryan Kelly
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