Michael Rudolf wrote:
First: Thanks for all the replies so far, they really helped me.

Am 24.02.2010 11:28, schrieb Jean-Michel Pichavant:
>>> def a(x=None):
    if x is None:

This is the way to do it python, and it has its advantages: 1 docstring,
1 way do do it, 1 interface.

Yes, I see. Actually I do now realize that even in Java I use method overloading mostly to implement optional arguments anyway, like:

void constructor(){this.foo='foo'; this.initotherstuff();}
void constructor(int x) {this.x=x; this.constructor();}

and so on.

So most of the time the idiom above is exactly what I need, as the versions of the function share code anyway.

But there are also cases where they do something completely different - in these cases I might use one of the other solutions provided here or simply make two or three functions and name them appropiately.

I do now see that the pythonic approach is the "best" for most cases, but I really loved to see that you *can* do overloading in a convenient way if you really want to :D Those decorators just rock :D

Thanks again,
You said it yourself: "simply make two or three functions and name them appropiately" :-)

When 2 methods of a class were to have the same name for doing completely different things like you said, there's a design flaw to my opinion.


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