simn_stv wrote:
i plan to build an application, a network based application that i
estimate (and seriously hope) would get as many as 100, 000 hits a day
(hehe, dad always told me to 'AIM HIGH' ;0), not some 'facebook'
or anything like it, its mainly for a financial transactions which
gets pretty busy...
so my question is this would anyone have anything that would make
python a little less of a serious candidate (cos it already is) and
the options may be to use some other languages (maybe java, C (oh
God))...i am into a bit of php and building API's in php would not be
the hard part, what i am concerned about is scalability and
efficiency, well, as far as the 'core' is concerned.

Python is as "enterprise" as the developer who wields it.

Scalability revolves entirely around application design & implementation. Or you could use Erlang (or haskell, etc ;-)



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