Luca wrote:


Maybe you are right, but being italian myself i can remember when i was a middle schooler (no computer before that) and the hours spent on my MSX figuring out how the thing worked. I learned all the commands as "brandnames" without really understanding them. I had _no_ idea that "if" meant... if, or that "print" meant to print. I had zero knowledge of english and for this reason most of these commands were meaningless to me, i didn't even suspect they had a meaning in an existing language, i just thought that was the way computers talked.

[more snippety]

Perhaps the lesson to learn from this is that as *you* teach programming to non-english speakers you take the time to say "'if' means 'se', 'print' means 'stampa'", etc. I suspect your early years would have been much easier with those bits of knowledge. :)


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