On Feb 26, 2:21 pm, qtrimble <qtrim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 26, 4:14 pm, OdarR <olivier.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > below is just a sample.  There are well over 500,000 lines that need
> > > processed.
> > > wer1999001
> > >       31.2234      82.2367
> > >       37.9535      82.3456
> > > wer1999002
> > >       31.2234      82.2367
> > >       37.9535      82.3456
> > did you try something as a working basis ?
> > Olivier
> Yes but it's very simple -
> fileIN = open(r"C:\testing.txt", "r")
> for line in fileIN:
>     year = line[3:7]
>     day = line[7:10]
>     print year, day
> This is good since i can get the year and day of year into a variable
> but I haven't gotten any further.

How about something like (untested):

  for line in fileIN:
       if line.startswith ("wer"):
           year = line[3:7]
           day = line[7:10]
           print "%s-%s %s" % (year, day, line.strip())

You can adjust the details as needed...

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