This is just an interesting code pattern that I have recently used:

class CacheStorage(object):
   """Generic cache storage class."""
   def get_factory(cls,*args,**kwargs):
"""Create factory for a given set of cache storage creation parameters."""
       class CacheStorageFactory(cls):
           _construct_args = args
           _construct_kwargs = kwargs
           def __init__(self):
       return CacheStorageFactory

Then, I can create subclasses like:

class GdbmCacheStorage(CacheStorage):
   """Gdbm cache storage class.
@param basedir: Base directory where gdbm files should be stored.
   @param basename: Base name for logging and creating gdbm files.
   def __init__(self,basedir,basename):
         ..... blablabla place initialization code here

class MemoryCacheStorage(CacheStorage):
   """In-Memory cache storage class.
Please note that keys and values are always mashal-ed.
   E.g. when you cache an object, it makes a deep copy.
   def __init__(self):
         ..... blablabla place initialization code here

And the finally, I can create a factory that can create cache storage instances for storing data in gdbm in a given directory:

cache_factory = GdbmCacheStorage.get_factory("~gandalf/db","test")
print cache_factory # <class '__main__.CacheStorageFactory'>
print cache_factory()

OR I can create a factory that can create instances for storing data in memory:

cache_factory = MemoryCacheStorage.get_factory()
print cache_factory # <class '__main__.CacheStorageFactory'>
print cache_factory() # <__main__.CacheStorageFactory object at 0x8250c6c>

Now, here is my question. Am I right in doing this? Or are there better language tools to be used in Python for the same thing? This whole thing about creating factories looks a bit odd for me. Is it Pythonic enough?




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