On 5/11/05, Torsten Bronger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallöchen!
> Fernando Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > [...]
> >
> > And I'd also second the matplotlib suggestion, to which I've by
> > now fully switched after years of faithful gnuplot usage.
> > Matplotlib is very good, has an active development community, and
> > it is designed from the ground up not only as a library for
> > rendering plots to screen/disk, but also for embedding into guis
> > (with support for Tk, WX, GTK, QT and FLTK).
> Why not for Gnuplot, by the way?
> On sceen, matplotlib looks extremely good, however, I still need
> Gnuplot for the hardcopy version[*].  It *seems* to me that the
> programming interfaces are quite different, so a Gnuplot backend for
> matplotlib would be helpful for me.

By hardcopy version, I assume you mean Postscript? From
http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/fonts.html :

Postscript, despite its age, is still a great output format. Most
publishers accept it, it scales to arbitrary resolutions, you can
import it directly into LaTeX document, and send it directly to
postscript printers.

The only requirement to generate postscript output is the Numeric
module and some AFM fonts on your system. Even the latter is only a
quasi-requirement, because matplotlib ships with some of the most
popular font files. These are Adobe Font Metric files, which have the
'*.afm' extension. matplotlib comes with it's own AFM parser to read
these files and select the best match for the font you've chosen. If
you want additional fonts, set the AFMPATH environment variable to
point to the dir containing your AFM font files. matplotlib willl
recursively search any directory in AFMPATH, so you only need to
specify a base directory if multiple subdirectories contaning '*.afm'

Bill Mill
bill.mill at gmail.com

> Tschö,
> Torsten.
> [*] because of the "pslatex" backend, which means that the plot is
> typeset by the same LaTeX run as your document --> consistent fonts,
> TeX-quality formulae
> --
> Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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