On Mar 11, 12:38 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar>
> En Wed, 10 Mar 2010 20:06:41 -0300, Jimbo <nill...@yahoo.com> escribió:
> > I found a semi Python & internet tutorial here if anyone else would
> > like ithttp://www.upriss.org.uk/python/session6.html
> > My script is meant to find which radio button is selected & tell me
> > that. But it just keeps saying "No Drink Selected!"
> Are you sure? From the code you posted, the message should read "You need  
> to select a drink!", not that one.

> Replace the last line with something like this, to see what you are  
> getting exactly:
>         print("Sorry, no %r (%r) available." % (
>            drink,
>            cgi.escape(repr(type(drink)))))
> BTW, which Python version are you using? The tutorial you linked to is  
> aimed at Python 2.x, but your print syntax suggests you're using Python 3.x
> --
> Gabriel Genellina

Yeah that("You need to select a drink!") was the string I was getting
but I should be getting hot chocolate or something else(which ever one
I have selected)

I am using 3.x, do you think I should be using something else? Also
the your code I put in does the some thing, just now it says "Sorry no
none drink available" all the time.

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