On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 00:11:37 -0700, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:

> Folks:
> Every couple of years I run into a problem where some Python code that
> worked well at small scales starts burning up my CPU at larger scales,
> and the underlying issue turns out to be the idiom of accumulating data
> by string concatenation. 

I don't mean to discourage you, but the simple way to avoid that is not 
to accumulate data by string concatenation.

The usual Python idiom is to append substrings to a list, then once, at 
the very end, combine into a single string:

accumulator = []
for item in sequence:
string = ''.join(accumulator)

> It just happened again
> (http://foolscap.lothar.com/trac/ticket/149 ), and as usual it is hard
> to make the data accumulator efficient without introducing a bunch of
> bugs into the surrounding code.

I'm sorry, I don't agree about that at all. I've never come across a 
situation where I wanted to use string concatenation and couldn't easily 
modify it to use the list idiom above.

> Here are some benchmarks generated by running python -OOu -c 'from
> stringchain.bench import bench; bench.quick_bench()' as instructed by
> the README.txt file.

To be taken seriously, I think you need to compare stringchain to the 
list idiom. If your benchmarks favourably compare to that, then it might 
be worthwhile.


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