On 3/14/2010 2:20 PM,  Cal Who wrote:

The below code produces the error as indicated. But, in
  E:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\ffnet\tools I see:

drawffnet is a module initialized from drawffnet.py (or either of the below)

Is that what it is looking for?

I'm not sure what "not callable" means.
Could it be referencing to "nn" rather than drawffnet?
What should I do to investigate this?

from ffnet import ffnet, mlgraph, readdata

...snipped working code here ...

output, regression = nn.test(inputs2, targets2, iprint = 2)

from ffnet.tools import drawffnet

here you create drawffnet from one of the files.

import pylab
drawffnet(nn)   #Error: 'module' object is not callable

This is an attempt to call the module as if it were a functions, which it is not. You probably want to call a function within the module.

except ImportError, e:
print "Cannot make drawffnet plot."


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