David Monaghan <monaghand.da...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 13:10:32 -0600, John Bokma <j...@castleamber.com> wrote:
>>David Monaghan <monaghand.da...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> of Google. If they haven't used it, I don't really consider the gentle
>>> reminder that LMGTFY gives too harsh. If you do, you're too much of a gentle
>>> soul to be on the internet at all; someone might say "Boo" to you at any
>>> moment. Beware.
> Sorry. That last comment of mine was uncalled for.


>>I've no problem with lmgtfy. I *do* have a problem with hiding it behing
>>a tinyurl. Why use 2 levels of obfuscating in a group that's about
>>programming in a language that promotes clear coding?
>>The message would have been the same if the OP had just copy pasted the
>>Google link. But hey, that's way less "funny".
> Good point, although one could argue the unhidden response is just rude, but
> the masking does make it genuinely funny.

One could argue, sure. But to me it's just the same as posting GFY
(don't want to upset the tender soulds again with "the F-word".

John Bokma                                                               j3b

Hacking & Hiking in Mexico -  http://johnbokma.com/
http://castleamber.com/ - Perl & Python Development

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