On 2010-03-15 09:39:50 -0700, lallous <elias.bachaal...@gmail.com> said:


Learning Python from the help file and online resources can leave one
with many gaps. Can someone comment on the following:

# ---------
class X:
    T = 1

    def f1(self, arg):
        print "f1, arg=%d" % arg
    def f2(self, arg):
        print "f2, arg=%d" % arg
    def f3(self, arg):
        print "f3, arg=%d" % arg

    # this:
    F = f2
    # versus this:
    func_tbl = { 1: f1, 2: f2, 3: f3 }

    def test1(self, n, arg):
        # why passing 'self' is needed?
        return self.func_tbl[n](self, arg)

    def test2(self):
        f = self.f1

        f = self.F
        # why passing self is not needed?

# ---------
x = X()

x.test1(1, 5)
print '----------'

Why in test1() when it uses the class variable func_tbl we still need
to pass self, but in test2() we don't ?

What is the difference between the reference in 'F' and 'func_tbl' ?

I recommend putting print statements into your code like this:

   def test1(self, n, arg):
       print "In test1, I'm calling a %s" % self.func_tbl[n]
       return self.func_tbl[n](self, arg)

   def test2(self):
       f = self.f1
       print "Now in test2, I'm calling a %s" % f

Bottom line: You're calling different things. Your func_tbl is a dict of functions, not methods.



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