On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Joel Pendery <joel.pend...@gmail.com>wrote:

> So I am trying to write a bit of code and a simple numerical
> subtraction
> y_diff = y_diff-H
> is giving me the error
> Syntaxerror: Non-ASCII character '\x96' in file on line 70, but no
> encoding declared.
> Even though I have deleted some lines before it and this line is no
> longer line 70, I am still getting the error every time.  I have tried
> to change the encoding of the file to utf-8 but to no avail, I still
> am having this issue.  Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance

It's not UTF-8. My guess would be that you're on Windows and it's a dash
character in cp1252. The actual minus sign is 0x2D. Your editor must be
putting in the wrong character.

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