Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> Hi All--
> Robert Kern wrote:
>>Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
>>Searching on docs.python.org goes through just the stuff that's on
>>docs.python.org, which is pretty much just documentation. Google's magic
>>points to the current documentation.
>>Searching on www.python.org trolls through the entire www.python.org
>>site. The search box doesn't narrow its scope just because you happen to
>>be in the Documentation section currently. It doesn't get the current
>>documentation because Google's magic gets a bit confused.
> I get that.  My question, cleverly concealed in a rant, was, "Why does
> clicking on the Documentation link at python.org NOT take me to
> docs.python.org?"  Why is there a difference?  If there must be a
> difference, why isn't the difference labelled as such?  This is a
> difference that makes a difference.

I believe that docs.python.org was added mostly to aid Google searches. 
I *do* think that the Documentation link should go to docs.python.org. I 
believe there is a mailing list somewhere that discusses improvements to 
the website.

<Googles> Ah:


Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter


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