On 2010-03-30 13:16:00 -0700, Robert Fendt said:

I find such a convoluted construct especially ugly in a language
which I previously regarded as having a rather striking beauty
of syntactical simplicity. The construct is superfluous,
illogical, unelegant, and thus very un-pythonesque, IMHO. But of
course that's just my $0.02.

In Python before list-comprehensions, I might have agreed with you. Initially, I was quite resistant to list comprehensions as well. They seemed ugly, and backwards, and why not just write a for loop?

Then I got used to them, and I find they are very elegant when used properly. Sometimes you can do something ugly with them, but its actually quite possible to write positively hideous Python even without any of these new fancy shmancy features.

But, in the post-comprehension world, where one can do:

my_odds = [x for x in range(100) if x % 2 == 1]

Things have changed. I've now grown used to reading expressions like that which seem a bit backwards, with the value being returned by an expression is the left-most element. Its not an exact correlation because they're answering different problems.

But having gotten used to list comprehensions, and actually quite appreciating their elegance now, I find this reads very well:

is_odd = "odd" if x % 2 == 1 else "even"

In fact, it reads better then any of the other conditional expression syntaxes people proposed back in the day, and a LOT better then what was done before:

is_odd = x % 2 == 1 and "odd" or "even"

Even if the above falls a bit more in line with what other languages usually do order-wise, this isn't other languages.

Now, none of this addresses your original argument of why not just use a regular if statement.

I dunno, I often used "and/or" for simple expressions or defaults and found it very convienent and made code more readable then the line and whitespace inducing true if-statement. And so I'm glad to have something even more readable and without the bug-prone and/or error.

Why not just use a for loop anytime you use a list comprehension? :) Same question really applies.


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