On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 6:37 PM, J <dreadpiratej...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there any way to tell PyDev in Eclipse to run a script that doesn't
> end in .py?  Even if I have to go and manually set something for each
> file...
> I've inherited (in a manner of speaking) a dev project that is done in
> python2.6... I pulled the latest dev branch and have it opened as a
> project in Eclipse, however, none of the python files end in .py, so
> PyDev only sees them as text files.  And because of that, I can't run
> them in Eclipse to try my changes, debug, etc.
> So, is there a way to make them show up as python code without the .py
> extension?  Because of this, I also don't get any of the fancy
> indenting and highlighting that I'd normally get...

You have to change it in 2 places:

1. window > preferences > general > editors > file associations: add
the *.extension and bind it to the Python Editor (see how the *.py
association is done).

2. window > preferences > Pydev > editor > code style > file types:
add your custom extension there (and you may want to change the
default python extension if you'll keep creating modules with that
different extension).



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