Wolfman wrote:
Hello- was hoping someone could give me a hand in permanently setting

I downloaded Python2.6 to a ThinkPad that came installed with
Python2.2, and I can not run IDLE as something automatically sets
TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY to C:\IBMTools\Python22\ each time i open a
new command line window or reboot the machine.

i have set them to the appropriate Python26 sub-directory via command
line and IDLE opens just fine and dandy, but as soon as I close the
command window or reboot computer it sets them back to the
aforementioned C:\IBMTools\Python22 subdirectory

how can i permanently SET TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY?


It can be dangerous to change the system-wide default Python that presumably was used for administration on your Thinkpad. I have a later Thinkpad (with XP), and it did not come with any Python.

But if you want to change environment variables persistently on Windows, you can go to the Control Panel. The specifics below are with XP, but it'll be similar for other versions between Win2k and later.

    Advanced tab
          Click button labeled Environment Variables

The upper section contains variables specific to your own logon, while the lower panel has variables that will be set for all users. I believe in most cases, a variable defined in both places will get the "user" value. But for PATH, the two are combined into a single, longer string. And perhaps that's true for some others as well.

If you have trouble finding that page ("Environment Variables"), see if you can find the System Properties panel. It has an Advanced tab, and you can continue as above.

Once you've set these, any new copy of CMD.exe will get the new values, and they are remembered across boot. However, typing start from an existing DOS box just gets a copy with the same variables you've defined locally.



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