En Wed, 07 Apr 2010 11:53:58 -0300, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> escribió:

[ Please keep me cc'ed, I'm not subscribed ]

Sorry; you may read this at http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/

I've written a bunch of internal libraries for my company, and they
all use two space indents, and I'd like to be more consistent and
conform to PEP-8 as much as I can.

reindent.py (in the Tools directory of your Python installation) does exactly that.

My problem is I would like to be certain that any changes do not alter
the logic of the libraries. When doing this in C, I would simply
compile each module to an object file, calculate the MD5 of the object
file, then make the whitespace changes, recompile the object file and
compare the checksums. If the checksums match, then the files are

If you only reindent the code (without adding/removing lines) then you can compare the compiled .pyc files (excluding the first 8 bytes that contain a magic number and the source file timestamp). Remember that code objects contain line number information.

Gabriel Genellina


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