On Apr 8, 3:54 pm, "M. Hamed" <mhels...@hotmail.com> wrote: > Thanks Patrick, that is what I was exactly looking for.
You're welcome! But I have to say, you should consider what Paul and Lie are saying. In general, when I use a stack, I just use append() and pop(), as they mention, and let the list automagically keep track of the pointer. (I don't usually even bother subclassing list, but I will often write something like push = mylist.append; pop = mylist.pop) But since I don't know about your specific problem, and you obviously didn't know you could assign to a slice of a list in this manner, I focused on what you were asking for. Paul and Lie are trying to focus more on what you really need than what you asked for, and since you mentioned the magic word "stack", they immediately assumed that you meant a standard LIFO, where you only do operations on a single element at a time on one end of the list. That's a fair assumption, and if that's the case, you should consider whether you even need to keep an index around, or you can do as they suggested and just let the current length of the list serve as your index. Regards, Pat -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list