Hey thanks a lot to all of you....Now i understood the concept and can use
it the right way....

I have another doubt regarding using radio buttons....

I am using two radio buttons for user to select either of the two options:


When i run the program it shows both radio buttons are active
I don't know how to toggle between the two radio buttons.
Also I want to display the respective image with them Landscape and portrait
at the top of each option....Can anyone help me with this?

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Tim Chase <python.l...@tim.thechases.com>wrote:

> On 04/08/2010 12:22 PM, varnikat t wrote:
>> it gives me this error
>> TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found
>>> Thanks for the help.it detects now using glob.glob("*.*.txt")
>>> Can u suggest how to open and read file this way?
>>> *if glob.glob("*.*.txt"):
>>>             file=open(glob.glob("*.*.txt"))
>>>             self.text_view.get_buffer().set_text(file.read())
>>>         else:
>>>             file=open(glob.glob("*.*.html"))
>>>             self.text_view.get_buffer().set_text(file.read())
> glob() returns a list of matching files, not a string.  So you need to
> iterate over those files:
>  filenames = glob.glob('*.*.txt')
>  if filenames:
>    for filename in filenames:
>      do_something_text(filename)
>  else:
>    for filename in glob('*.*.html'):
>      do_something_html(filename)
> -tkc

Varnika Tewari

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