En Fri, 09 Apr 2010 11:29:50 -0300, Tim Golden <m...@timgolden.me.uk> escribió:
On 09/04/2010 15:19, Gabriel Genellina wrote:

In addition to what Tim Golden has said (which appears to be based on another
version of this project

Just downloaded again, and there's definitely an empty package structure
of the kind I described. (Altho' I certainly did have a few other versions
lying around from previous questions by the OP).

Indeed! (Where did I look...?)

Also, you have some .pyw files with corresponding .pyc file. That's *very*
strange. .pyw files are *not* modules, and Python won't import them.

open ("xxx.pyw", "w").write ("print ('hello')")
import xxx

Oops! Last time I checked, it didn't work... but it was a very long time ago, I presume. pyw files are importable since Python 2.2!
Thanks for the correction.

Gabriel Genellina


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