Am Mittwoch, den 14.04.2010, 11:33 +0200 schrieb Gabriel Rossetti:
> Paul Rubin wrote:
> > Gabriel Rossetti <> writes:
> >   
> >> I am trying to serialize a function, class, etc and transfer it
> >>     
> >
> > You mean the actual code?  You have to use marshal rather than pickle,
> > the Python versions have to be the same at both ends, and you better
> > have some kind of authenticated transport to stop malicious code from
> > getting accepted and run by the receiving end.
> >   
> Yes, but I wasn't able to marshal/unmarshal them correctly as shown in 
> my examples

The marshal module can be used to dump the Code of an Function (or
anything else), like you have done. If you have the Code, you can
reconstruct the function.

>>> import types
>>> import marshal
>>> def a(): pass
>>> s=marshal.dumps(a.__code__)
>>> f=types.FunctionType(marshal.loads(s), {})
>>> f
<function a at 0x7f6308a66de8>

The second parameter is the global scoop of the function.

If you want to marshal a class, things get a little more complicated,
because these consist of many code objects and you also need the code 
to assemble them together.

There are two easy ways I can think of right now:

Send the string of the code you want to transfer:
>>> s="""class A: pass"""

and then:
>>> exec(s) in globals()

Encapsule the stuff you want to send in a function.



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