Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 08:48:03 -0700, Aahz wrote:

In article <4bb92850$0$8827$>, Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:
Nevertheless, it is a common intuition that the list comp variable
should *not* be exposed outside of the list comp, and that the for-loop
variable should. Perhaps it makes no sense, but it is very common --
I've never heard of anyone being surprised that the for-loop variable is
exposed, but I've seen many people surprised by the fact that list-comps
do expose their loop variable.
I've definitely seen people surprised by the for-loop behavior.

What programming languages were they used to (if any)?

I don't know of any language that creates a new scope for loop variables, but perhaps that's just my ignorance...

The programming language Ada comes to mind (the variable exists only
within the body of the loop and is read-only like a constant), so yes,
that's just your ignorance. ;-)

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