Dynamic Languages Symposium 2010

October 18, 2010

Co-located with SPLASH (OOPSLA) 2010
In cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN
John Ascuaga's Nugget, Reno/Tahoe, Nevada, USA


***** Call for papers *****

The 6th Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) at the conference formerly
known as OOPSLA is a forum for discussion of dynamic languages, their
implementation and application. While mature dynamic languages
including Smalltalk, Lisp, Scheme, Self, Prolog, and APL continue to
grow and inspire new converts, a new generation of dynamic scripting
languages such as Python, Ruby, PHP, Tcl, and JavaScript are
in a wide range of applications. DLS provides a place for researchers
and practitioners to come together and share their knowledge,
experience, and ideas for future research and development.

DLS 2010 invites high quality papers reporting original research,
innovative contributions or experience related to dynamic languages,
their implementation and application. Accepted Papers will be
in the ACM Digital Library.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

* Innovative language features and implementation techniques
* Development and platform support, tools
* Interesting applications
* Domain-oriented programming
* Very late binding, dynamic composition, and runtime adaptation
* Reflection and meta-programming
* Software evolution
* Language symbiosis and multi-paradigm languages
* Dynamic optimization
* Hardware support
* Experience reports and case studies
* Educational approaches and perspectives
* Object-oriented, aspect-oriented, and context-oriented programming

=== Submissions and proceedings ===

We invite original contributions that neither have been published
previously nor are under review by other refereed events or
publications. Research papers should describe work that advances the
current state of the art. Experience papers should be of broad
and should describe insights gained from substantive practical
applications. The program committee will evaluate each contributed
paper based on its relevance, significance, clarity, and originality.

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

Papers are to be submitted electronically at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences?conf=dls2010 in PDF format.
Submissions must not exceed 12 pages and need to use the ACM format,
templates for which can be found at

=== Important dates ===

Submission of papers:      June 1, 2010 (hard deadline)
Author notification:      July 15, 2010
Final versions due:     August 13, 2010
DLS 2010:              October 18, 2010
SPLASH/OOPSLA 2010: October 17-21, 2010

=== Program chair ===

William Clinger, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

=== Program committee ===

Robby Findler (Northwestern University)
Jeffrey S. Foster (University of Maryland)
Lars Thomas Hansen (Adobe Systems)
Charlotte Herzeel (University of Brussels)
S. Alexander Spoon (Google)
Eric Tanter (University of Chile)
Jan Vitek (Purdue University)
Alessandro Warth (Viewpoints Research Institute)

[to be completed]

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