> I think you will continue to have
> difficulty getting respect on this
> matter as long as you show disrespect
> to those who have come before you.
> ...

Dear Ron Adam and other good people,

I respect people and I respect truth. And, the priority is truth first.

The software community, is one fucked up ball, and in part, because
people respect not people nor truth. They respect their own asses,
euphorimically known as politics and power game, and exhibited and
understood as respecting other people.

the above, as you've seen, can be seen in the behaviors and inactions
in this python group as judged by its posts on the Python doc issue i
raised. (of course there are also posts by good hearted and educated

The documentations in computing industry and The Python doc in
particular, is one gravely fucking incompetent ball. And, execuse me
that most people do not understand this, but it is because people
respects their own asses more than other people or truth as i outlined

The fucked up writings and thinkings in the computing industry is in
part what causes the sorry situation of today's software.

I, am taking my time as time permits to explain this situation little
by little to the computing public, message by message.

As to my criticism and rewrite of Python doc in particular, the Python
community can take it or leave it. If they take it, or if i instigated
any change, they shall give proper credit where credit is due.

To the generic Python community:

go re-read my posts, and this time pay attention:

These writings and my involvement with Python will probably only
increase. It is beneficial for you, either personally or as part of the
Python collective, to behave properly.

â http://xahlee.org/

Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
From: Ron Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Find messages by this author
Date: Sat, 07 May 2005 20:23:35 -0400
Local: Sat,May 7 2005 8:23Âpm
Subject: Re: New Python regex Doc
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Xah Lee wrote:
 > Let me expose one another fu....

Hello Xah,

I think you will continue to have difficulty getting respect on this
 matter as long as you show disrespect to those who have come before

When you refer to the documentation as being f'ing stupid, and other
 disrespectful terms, you are in an indirect, or depending on your
 intent, directly insulting the people who have done their best, as
 *volunteers* in most cases, to provide the existing documentation.

Text is never F'ing, Stupid, or any of the other terms you refer to as
 it being. ÂHowever it can be uninformative, hard to read, confusing,
 even plain wrong. ÂBut it is only text, and does not have a mind of
 own. ÂReferring to it as if it does, in such angry tones, reflects
 on yourself and gives others a poor impression of you.

At the start, you choose to approach this matter as a personal and
 competitive agenda, ie.. You vs those who came before you. ÂIs this
 really the correct way to do this? ÂYou don't have to insult those
 came before you in order to make your case. ÂIf you do, then maybe
 case isn't strong enough. ÂBut even this is wrong because it isn't a

I suppose that if you respectfully offer something even a little better
 it would be respectfully accepted, after due review of course. ÂYou
 probably even get many helpful suggestions along they way because you
 will have created a situation where every one wins.

But by approaching it in the way you are, you make it very hard for
 people to support you, because to do so, they have to take on the role
 of losers in order for you to be a winner.

Just some thoughts, you might consider.

Cheers, and good luck with whatever aproach you decide.


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