On 27 Apr, 10:10, Laszlo Nagy <gand...@shopzeus.com> wrote:
>   Hi All,
> I'm planning to create a new visual component for wxPython, for
> designing, creating and printing pivot tables. Also known as: decision
> cube, OLAP cube. I was searching on the internet for something similar,
> but I could not find any open source version (or free to use, at least).
> The only available free program was jmagallanes 
> (http://jmagallanes.sourceforge.net/en/) but it is a stand alone
> application. I would like to create something that has Python bindings
> (more preferably, written in Python and is extensible).
> Before I start on this project, can you please confirm that there is no
> such thing available? I do not want to work on something that is already
> there.
> Thanks,
>    Laszlo

Please note: this is not a direct answer to your question.

I would personally go for a client-server model; not worrying what the
server is written in or how it works. For some reason I have a scary
thought of your widget pulling in 100million records and cross-tabbing
two dimensions :) Don't worry about python bindings or such, why not
try and find something that can take an OLAP query, maintain
aggregates/computations on a DB that can possibly return in XML/JSON/
WHATEVER then just have your widget render visually the response and
send out XML/JSON/WHATEVER on click events.

Basically your widget is a renderer and UI to update the MDX/whatever
instructions in the OLAP server.

Of course, for small datasets, just nested dicts-of-dicts rendered
would probably do.




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