I wanted to know who can recommend a good module/library, that allows to modify an Open Office spreadsheet. One can assume, that Open Office is installed on the host. Is PyUNO_bridge ( http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/PyUNO_bridge ) the way to go or is there something better / faster / newer. Are there any good wrapper / abstraction libraries. Ideally I'd like to have a solution, that works with python 2.6 and on windows and linux. My initial tasks would be rather simple: searching for rows with a certain name in a column and insert a value in a neighbour column. Lateron I would be interested in - inserting / deleting rows /columns - copying cells. - inserting formulas - running existing macros - printing interactively but this can wait a little. thanks for any hints or sharing your experience N -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list