Baz Walter <> writes:

> On 04/05/10 02:12, Ben Finney wrote:
> > Baz Walter<>  writes:
> >> yes, of course. i forgot about hard links
> >
> > Rather, you forgot that *every* entry that references a file is a
> > hard link.
> i'm not a frequent poster on this list, but i'm aware of it's
> reputation for pointless pedantry ;-)

Only pointless if you view this as a conversation entirely for the
benefit of you and I. I, on the other hand, am trying to make this
useful to whoever may read it now and in the future.

> note that i said hard links (plural) - i think a more generous reader
> would assume i was referring to additional hard links.

The point, though, was that this is normal operation, rather than
exceptional. Files have zero or more hard links, and “this file has
exactly one hard link” is merely a common case among that spectrum.

I'm glad you already knew this, and hope you can appreciate that it's
better explicit than implicit.

 \        “The difference between religions and cults is determined by |
  `\                      how much real estate is owned.” —Frank Zappa |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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