alex23 wrote:
Ed Keith <> wrote:
Knuth wanted the generated source to be unreadable, so people would not be 
tempted to edit the generated code.

This is my biggest issue with Knuth's view of literate programming. If
the generated source isn't readable, am I just supposed to trust it?
How can I tell if an error lies in my expression of the algorithm or
in the code generation itself?

Do you think a compiler is required to make its object file conveniently readable? Do you regularly read the machine code generated by your C compiler? I admit I've frequently studied compiler output over the years, but I think I'm very unusual in that respect. I've never disassembled a python byte code file, though I wrote tools to display and manipulate both java byte code files and dot-net (before it was called that).

I think the question really boils down to whether you trust the compiler.


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